Delivery Information
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Delivery Information
Delivery information: it is details provided for the shipment of goods or services. We ship worldwide to more than 150 countries with multiple shipping options tailored to your needs. We guarantee 2-3 day express shipping right to your doorstep, anywhere in the country. Eco-friendly, personalized packaging that ensures your order arrives securely and in style.
Standard Shipping: This is the standard shipping, which is reliable and more affordable. You’ll not wait for long to receive your products if you are willing to wait a few days. In general, standard shipping takes a little time from 5-7 business days from the shipper’s location.
Express Shipping: For customers who want their order earlier, express shipping will deliver it within 2-3 business days. This shipping is available at checkout and incurs an additional fee based on the place and size of your order.
Same-day delivery is also available in some areas if the order was placed before 12:00 PM local time. This will deliver your products to you within a few hours, so same-day delivery is ideal for emergency orders.